Chakras as Tools for Energy Cultivation
6 days ago
1 min read
Here’s the continuation of our discussion on chakras.
Chakras and Their Locations
The Role and Function of Each Chakra
These chakras are constantly functioning, whether we are aware of them or not, linking the body and mind.
Most people understand chakras as energy centers that contribute to well-being when balanced.
However, in MYQ, chakras are not just for balance—they are tools for energy cultivation.
By using breath and awareness, chakras can be strengthened. Instead of merely circulating inactive Prana, they can activate it, functioning as internal energy generators.
At birth, our Qi vein and chakras are clear and free of blockages. However, as we grow and develop a sense of self, prenatal Yang Qi gradually shifts toward Yin Qi, causing blockages and stagnation.
This is not necessarily a bad thing—these changes help us function in social and human relationships.
However, if we train our chakras properly, removing blockages and stagnation, we can strengthen both our body and mind, making us more resilient to external influences.
More Than Just Balancing Chakras
Simply balancing chakras is not enough. To truly utilize them, we must actively train and cultivate them.
Would you like to learn effective breathing techniques and ways to focus your awareness?
Thank you for reading until the end!