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The Power of Meditation

Aug 24

2 min read




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In my previous posts, I discussed how you are the creator of your own life and that you are a magician shaping your reality. I also introduced meditation as a recommended method for focusing on the present moment.

Today, I’d like to talk about the benefits of meditation.

So, what exactly is meditation?

Do you find yourself constantly chatting in your head?

Most people are always thinking about something, aren’t they?

It is normal for humans to be thinking creatures. Our consciousness is constantly seeking something and fixating on it.

Even when we are sleeping or deeply focused on something, our minds are often cluttered with random thoughts.

Meditation allows us to stop this flow of thoughts.

However, as mentioned in the previous blog, in the beginning, various thoughts and images will likely arise in your mind.

But, as you continue practicing, the distractions will gradually decrease.

Meditation originally had deep connections with faith and spirituality.

It has been practiced in various forms around the world, including ancient India, Buddhism, China, the Americas, Africa, and Japan, as well as in the Western world since ancient times.

We can see that meditation has evolved in various forms across different cultures over time.

In modern times, scientific research on meditation has advanced, and its benefits are now widely recognized.

So, what specific benefits does meditation offer?

First, let’s discuss the general mental benefits.

Meditation is known for its high relaxation effect, which helps reduce stress.

It also enhances concentration, improving work and study efficiency.

Furthermore, meditation increases self-awareness by allowing you to objectively view your own thoughts and emotions, helping you gain better control over your feelings.

Now, let’s briefly touch on the physical benefits.

Meditation, as mentioned earlier, has a relaxation effect that can lower blood pressure and improve cardiovascular health.

It is believed to support the immune system and enhance natural healing power due to its relaxation effects.

Additionally, the quality of sleep improves as a result of the relaxation effect.

These are all great benefits.

These aspects can be explained through the ancient Master Yoga Qigong (MYQ) that I teach.

I will explain this further in the next post!


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