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What is Qi? What is Qigong?

Jul 16

2 min read




Hello. The hot days continue, but how are you doing?

The summer break, which once seemed too long, is now less than a month away.

Today, I’d like to talk about “Qi.”

What do you think “Qi” is?

Qi is the energy that exists in everything on this earth. Without Qi, we cannot live. In yoga, it is called prana!

Qi is the essence of the universe and life itself. And we’ve been using it without even realizing it.

We take in Qi from the first chakra and use it as our own energy. This energy is stored in the seven chakras in the body, circulating through the body via the Qi veins, meridians, and blood vessels.

When this circulation is blocked, we may become tired easily or fall ill.

Qigong is the process of consciously working with this energy. We can cultivate and store Qi in the chakras, which strengthens both the body and mind.

By using breathing techniques, we circulate Qi by applying pressure to it. This raises body temperature, improving the immune system and metabolism, and boosting the body's natural healing power.

By working with the YIN energy of ancient Master Yoga and the YANG energy of the Neidan Method, you can learn to control your emotional ups and downs. There’s no reason not to try it!

You might be thinking, “I don't feel any Qi.” But I’m sure you’ve felt it before.

“Somehow, I feel better this way.”

“I have a bad feeling about this,” etc.

There are many words in Japanese that use the character for “ki” (気). There are also similar expressions in English, such as “gut feeling” or “good vibes.”

“Something feels off....” and so on.

Or maybe you think of someone, and that person suddenly contacts you. Have you ever experienced that?

Yes, that's Qi at work. Qi carries information. It also carries our feelings and emotions. We unconsciously pick up on that energy, and then... things happen that seem like coincidences.

As you continue to train in Qigong, your intuition will become stronger and stronger.

Are you familiar with quantum mechanics? Could elementary particles be the same thing as Qi?

Qi is energy. Energy is a wave. Waves have frequencies, and as you continue to practice Qigong, you will be able to sense these waves.

Quantum mechanics has started to explain the invisible world of Qi in some way. Of course, I’m not a scientist, and my explanation might sound rough to those who study it professionally. Nevertheless, I believe the day is approaching when we will be able to scientifically explain what Qi is.

But even without modern science, Qi has been verified through the experiences of our ancestors for more than 3,000 years. This practice has been continued as a means to achieve “enlightenment.”

It’s amazing!

Jul 16

2 min read





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